Thursday, May 31, 2007

You'd think

...this car stuff would all be done now, but no.

A. got the car yesterday. She had to wait for the lying agent to copy the keys after she got there, even though we specifically delayed picking up the car for a day to give him time to copy them after he failed to do so for a week.

She then collected the car and moved the carseat from the loaner to the newly transmissioned, newly batteried, new-to-us car.

And while she was there on the dealership's lot, leaning into the parked car and adjusting the carseat, what should she feel but a big bump? Well, what she should have felt was nothing at all, but what she did feel was another customer sideswiping our car. The car now needs bodywork. The other customer is in a complicated insurance situation. We need to get an estimate and her boyfriend will pay it. (Lest the word "boyfriend" lead you astray, A. described the other customer as a sixtysomething Main Line lady with dyed blonde hair and flipflops.)

Because it would be too easy to just have a car and drive it.


niobe said...

I sense a disturbance in the force.

How else to explain you incredibly bad luck.

None said...

That's un-be-lievable!!!!

Jody said...

I was going to tell you this car is cursed, run for your life, but niobe's explanation is so much clearer.

Anonymous said...

Harsh! Mind you, even after we ditched our car, i.e. sent it to scrap, we got speeding tickets sent to us (guess the scrap merchant just patched it up and sold it on). Cars are basically bad news. glad I can't drive.

S. said...

I had a good ten minutes when I thought about following Jody's plan, invoking the lemon law to make the dealer take the car back (believe me, all that money would make a huge difference to us right now), and relying on PhillyCarShare, but in our neighborhood, you really do need to be able to drive, especially if one of you works downtown and the other is not competent on a bicycle and the third of you is a toddler.

(Un)relaxeddad, it's completely classic that you got speeding tickets for a junked car!

Niobe, I guess this is a chance to try out my Obi-Wan jedi powers.

Lo said...

Wow. That is unreal. As someone with limited trust in cars to begin with, I remain suspicious.

Scrivener said...

Wow, you really have had just terrible luck with that car. I'm worried. OTOH, maybe it's like you've used up all the negative energy stored up in the car all at once and now you'll get decades of nothing but good stuff from it?

Magpie said...

I'm speechless. I think that car is jinxed.

S. said...

Scrivener, I hope you're right on the negative energy.

Magpie and Lo, if it weren't my life, which is has been richly peppered with bad things of late, I would blame the car more. But I think I'm more likely to be the culprit. Poor A.